
SNS - ServerlessSpy


SNS integration has two types of methods:

  • waitForSnsTopicXxx() - Intercept all events received by SNS.
  • waitForSnsSubscriptionXxxYyy - Intercept all events received by SNS subscription. If the subscription has no filters, it is the same as the previous method.

Basic example:

await serverlessSpyListener.waitForSnsTopicMyTopic();

await serverlessSpyListener.waitForSnsSubscriptionMyTopicMyLambda();    

You can use conditions to wait for a particular event. You can also use generic (TestData) to strongly type the event.

await serverlessSpyListener.waitForSnsTopicMyTopic<TestData>({
  condition: (d) => === id,

await serverlessSpyListener.waitForSnsSubscriptionMyTopicMyLambda<TestData>({
    condition: (d) => === id,

Check this and this test.